Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A great saturday night

This saturday gone I linked up with an old (female) friend who I haven't seen nor spoken to in a gooood while. We recently started back talking and wanted to lime (no, it's not like THAT - she has a bf who she's been with going on three years and there's nothing there between us on that level) so she told me to come to this UWI concert that was being held by the JGI hall (doh ask me to remember what JGI stands for.. Joyce something something) in LRC. I had originally wanted to go to the AFTER PARTY of that concert to see if I coulda check up on this sweet Dominican girl I knew was gonna be there.. but I gave in to my friend's requests and ended up going to the hall concert.

The concert itself was pretty good I must admit. There were random fashion shows, dances, skits, musical acts etc. I reached like an hour and three quarters late though, cus I was helping my mom paint a room that we're doing over. So yea, get to the concert, didn't have to pay cus I was so late and sat down between her and her friend, whom I was introduced to. This is where the night really gets going. During a particularly funny skit that humourously highlighted the differences between Caribbean people, I was informed that the young lady on my right was from Jamaica.. and she was laughing at my stupid jokes.. For some reason I felt comfortable and I already had conversation material as my dad now lives in Jamaica and I've recently been for the first time..

fast forward to after the concert.. which I reiterate was quite good. My friend, her Jamaican friend, another of the Jamaican's friends, another Jamaican (but a guy) and I stand up talking and I'm cracking joke after joke and not feeling like an ass.. which I owe to the two jamaicans being rather easy-going and down to earth, as well as possessing a rather lovely sense of humour (i mean, they WERE laughing at my jokes). It was however, soon time for my friend to leave with her boyfriend as she had a chess tournament to enter the following morning (which she did well in btw!). This was the crossroad for me.. My natural personality would be to leave one time with my friend because I'd be too shy and awkward staying back to lime with people I didn't know and was now meeting for the first time. Something was different this time though and they made no indication that they wanted to leave me standing there by myself, so I said I'd stay back and lime for a bit.

That bit turned into three hours. The two Jamaicans, whom I shall call Ms. C and Mr. S, were the coolest people I've met for the first time in a long time. The conversation flowed and flowed. One topic to the next with jokes strewn throughout. This is something I truly and absolutely enjoy - meeting new people, who make me feel so comfortable that I can really be myself with them and in turn they are quite open to conversation on my levels (neither high nor low) etc etc. All in all a really comfortable first experience with people.. So we spoke of jamaica and my time there and their time there and music and trinidad and geography and nothing at all.

At some point Mr. S had to go handle some business so I sat on LRC steps with Ms. C chatting about ourselves and our experiences. Before we knew it an hour and a half had passed. By this point I knew she had a boyfriend and I was fine with it because it made me a little more calm around her. For some reason as well I wasn't annoyed when Mr. S came back. I was actually happy.. this rarely happens when I meet guys, ESPECIALLY when I meet guys with pretty/cool/etc girls. So we limed again for a bit and decided we'd go check out the after party which was going on by then. Took a walk to JFK carpark where the party was being held and stood up on a bench overlooking the temp walls for the party. Decided we were better on the outside and then the party got shut down by security anyway.

Oh yes, did I mention I DID see the Dominican? yea she passed next to me but I couldn't care cus I was engrossed in conversation with my two new associates.

We limed outside the shut-down party for a 5 mins and then walked back to LRC where Ms. C and I parked (Mr. S lives on campus). I felt like if another conversation started we'd be there for another couple of hours. I felt like we (yes, even Mr. S as well) could have gone to either person's home or wherever to continue the lime.. Me, who is so shy sometimes that it comes across as being anti-social was there contemplating continuing a lime with people I now met. Fortunately though we all had to leave so numbers were exchanged (even this process contained very little awkwardness) and that as that.

Since then I refrained from contacting Ms. C for fear of seeming pushy or overbearing. She however, messaged me the other night so now the channels are open for further conversation. Here's hoping she comes to Eraclash tomorrow. I have to tell her to bring her bf too so I could meet him lol

so yes.. Saturday was one of my most enjoyable social nights in a good while. 1) I got to meet and lime with an old friend and we are still talking. 2) I got to meet two very very cool new people. 3)I spent absolutely no money (definite PLUS) and 4)I gained a little more confidence, independence and experience with social situations such as that one.

see you all at Eraclash!

unrelated: I realize my blog posts are generally pretty long.. i guess that's because of the length of time I take between posts.. or perhaps I just like typing/writing etc.. I'll try to cut them down in the future for better readability

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