Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Funny thing happened the other day..

Went to a client's office to organize deposit and down-payment for a job we were gonna do for them and stuff. The boss man was temporarily 'away' so he was forwarding his calls to his lieutenant (hereafter known as 'mads'). So we're at the client's office and some discrepancy or the other occurs.. some confusion or whatever, so the client (hot chicky!.. whom I also know from before.. who was looking especially hottt that day) decided that she'd call the bossman.

The scene:

Client has a normal-sized desk and is sitting behind it.
Mads is sitting right up on the opposite side of the desk, using it to write stuff.
I am standing right behind Mads and have a view of everything.

The punchline:

Client calls bossman and mads, of course, answers the phone (because all his calls are being forwarded to her). Mads answers 'Hello, good afternoon?'
Client says 'good afternoon, may I speak to *bossman's name* please?'
Mads: 'oh I'm sorry.. *it is at this point that I am really trying to resist the urge to buss out laughing* the bossman isn't available today. I'm Mads.. *the client has a bewildered look on her face, as if she's not completely sure what is going on and if this is real* .. would you like to leave a message?'

at this point the client realizes what has taken place, especially because I'm laughing my ass off as quietly as I can behind Mads and hangs up the phone.

wait, wait, there's more..

after the client hangs up the phone Mads continues..

'hello? hello? I think they hung up! but ey!ey! what kinda ting is tha... wait.. why you laughing so mu...'

priceless.. truly priceless.

or perhaps you had to be there.

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