Thursday, October 9, 2008

Annoyance is the root of all evil (cus I'll kill you if you keep it up)

People frustrate me. That should be an obvious statement right? but it needs repeating due to the level it can reach sometimes.
It's even more frustrating and annoying when the people I care about end up falling in the category entitled 'OMGGGWTFISWRONGWITHYOU!?!?'

but then I think.. aren't I (interjecting thought: americans really fucking stupid when it comes to grammar dred. why are 'spelt' and 'aren't' underlined by squiggly lines?!) like these frustrating people to others sometimes. Especially my friends who want to see me doing well, when I'm making the same mistakes over and over.. at least I learn from them relatively quickly, as I refuse to let myself become trapped in a cycle of negativity and filth.

Are we all just destined to mull around in our little lives making mistakes and frustrating others who can see the errors in our ways? you can't smell the shit if you're in it.

so we're just annoyances onto each other.. I'm surprised anyone who feels like me can maintain as many friendships as I do. (which isn't a lot per se). At least some people annoy me quite infrequently. These are the ones I've made my closer friends.. except a couple who just never seem to learn *sigh* so for those closer friends, thank you for not annoying me :)

One thing that has been really annoying me recently is certain persons' propensity for immaturely gossiping about what they don't know. And their seeming inability to truly grow. They'd like to think they're growing but they're really just jumping from branch to branch to branch only to realise all the branches are at the same level. I'm here trying to fking claw my way to the top, jack the and the beanstalk type shit (mickey mouse made it look easy) and these people are content to sit around chatting away, maybe even believing they want growth but never actually doing anything about it. They're still at the market limin on the corner with the malnourished cow, gossiping about whatever drama they can find. And let me tell you if you didn't know - cows only know one word.

So yea.. *cue abrupt ending...fade to black Soprano style.. (even though I rarely ever watched Sopranos and never saw the finale)


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