Friday, October 3, 2008

Time Machine

Is this what it means or feels like to be in a time machine? I feel like I'm either in the future looking at the past or in the present looking at the past. It's very odd. It feels like I've progressed and am progressING and you're still the same, and/or not only the same but so set in the same thinking that you think I'm still the same and as such judge my actions to be the same as they were before when they're totally different now.

It's a weird feeling, looking at your past. There's some sense of pride knowing you've come this far and are better for it, a sense of loss in what you no longer have, a sense of sadness for those who have not been able to come this far as well and a bit of frustration in knowing YOU but your past knowing only past you and not present (or future for them) you.

I have no doubt you've changed and maybe even have grown. I just don't think you've grown much in relation to me and us and that saddens me.

At some point in life the games have to stop. I'm willing to be at that point, are you?


Viekevie said...

Nice to have you back

footie said...

thank you :) it's good to be back