Friday, October 19, 2007

Elections time again

this should be interesting. I'm really anticipating this year's elections on November 5th. Not because I'm gung-ho for the democratic process or because I'm fully in support for a particular party but rather I'm really anxious as to who will win.

There's the PNM who is currently in power and whose leader the (dis)Honorable Patrick Manning is threating to turn my beloved T&T into a dictatorshit, then there's the UNC with former Prime Minister Basdeo Panday, whose right hand man Jack take-as-much-as-I-can-from-who-I-can Warner is in a very real position to become the next PM, then there's the Winston Dookeran-led COP.

Now if I were voting (i'd like to but I have no national ID) it'd be for COP. I openly say this. Why? because I am fucking packing up my shit, jumping on the first flight I can get to anywheresville and starting a new life if Jack Warner and the UNC wins. I also don't want another 5 years of Mr. Manning and Ms. Breakfastses. However, I'm not so sure that Winston Dookeran has what it takes to run a country. I'm willing to live with his learning mistakes though, rather than under Jackie or Pattie's rules.

this being said, I'm not an avid followerd of politics in this country. I know what I know and from what I care to read in the (biased) papers. I know enough of the individuals themselves and how the operate however (minus Dookeran) to know whether they'd bring a positive change or a negative change to this country. I tellin allyuh from now tho, if Mr. Warner becomes PM I getting myself a high-powered rifle and learning to sharpshoot, cus I really doh want to migrate.

p.s. my real views on Orange Sky and them being the UNC: whatever yes, is their lives and fire to catch. I just hate the fact they working with and supporting jack warner. Other than this.. do whatever allyuh want boys, make that papes, move that hustle, do what yuh have to do LIVE YOUR LIFFFFEEE (lmao!)

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