Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I am Hank Moody..

you know, minus the having sex, having sex almost indiscriminately (cus he only picks up hot chicks), the drugs, the daughter and the porsche (though that last one I wish I did have).

Since I started looking at the show (Californiation - shows on Showtime on Sundays) I've observed so many parallels between Mr. Moody and myself, yet I always thought they just crafted his character to be identifiable with a lot of people; it was coincidence based on strategic character development.

but then my best friend told me he thinks I am too, without me saying anything at all, so I figure there must be some truth. If only this were a good thing. I wish I could write like the writers who create Hank's dialogue though.. them's some skilleded ppls.


Stone said...

a google search for hank moody quotes got me here

Alot of people connect with the character Hank Moody, I do. It's intriguing why some people can relate more to certain characters then others.

Anonymous said...

An interesting topic you have here, if you ask me. I can relate to Hank Moody on some level, too.


I'm a writer-wannabe, aiming to become one; I've a sneaky writer's block; I'm witty and some way bitterly cynical; I adore women, especially beautiful women, and also get along with them rather well. And easily.

But then...

I don't have sex with all the women around me as I'm too kind, not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings; actually, with no one at the time. And yes, my wit is clearly no match to the one Frank possesses. I can't afford a Porsche or cocaine, not saying that I would use it, though.

This kind of connection makes it addictive to watch the series.

Anonymous said...

So you don't have a lot of sex with hot women, don't have a daughter, don't do drugs, don't have a beat up porsche, you can't really write like the writers trying to emulate this fictional character, nor do you speak like 'them skilled people.' I'd say, "I am Hank Moody.." is a pretty big stretch.

Anonymous said...

I just got a little hard reading all that insecurity. You're already writing mothafuckas! Class dissed and dismissed.