Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Your and You're (completed)

what the hell is up with this!? REALLY!? it's one thing to see Americans using this cus they can't spell for shit, but when I see my fellow english (and I mean that in the geographic sense) speaking countrypersons (being politically correct there) using this it annoys me to no end!

YOU'RE and YOUR.. they DO NOT MEAN THE SAME THING!! ok people?
You're means YOU ARE
YOUR is used to indicate ownership. i.e. YOUR bicycle was stolen.
saying 'your gonna get your ass kicked' makes NO SENSE! what that means literally is that the 'gonna' belongs to you. See the nonsense!? and every day I see someone else using this shit.

I blame Americans. They spell so many words incorrectly just for the sake of ease and speed. THEY LAZY!! you mean to tell me you have to spell NIGHT like NITE just cus you doh feel to add one more letter? or is it that you have something against g's and h's?

and now Trinis doing it regularly.. I saw a billboard with Nite on it when I was younger, now I see soooo many people using 'your' incorrectly. Geeze people, our education standard at lower levels supposed to be better than the U.S. don't embarass yourself and your country! your primary school teachers worked hard to instill proper grammar skills and rules in you, don't waste it because of american culture saturation!! turn off the cable and go pick up the Republic Reader series!!


1 comment:

GirlBlue said...

hahaah that used to bother the shit out of me, then I realise they really just ignorant and could not care less as long as you understand them they happy