Friday, October 26, 2007

Things that annoy me

because it had to come..

Politcal party die-hards and the mis-guided youth who view it either as a fad or something they MUST support. Related to this: die-heard supporters who only know what they're told and those who quote facts and figures and put downs without doing much of their own research.

Someone calling someone else's name repeatedly for a considerable (use your intelligence) amount of time. E.g. My dad calling my sister over and over for 2 mins without actually getting up to see where she was, i.e. to see if walking around might then put her within earshot.

Being set up inconsiderately. I don't mind being 'set-up' because your mom is sick or you have something important. But when I show up at whatever location, expecting you to be there, then call you to find out you actually just left to go home, when it was communicated clearly that I was coming to meet you, I get pretty annoyed.

People who smell when they have no reason to

Prima donnas

People with more attitude than I have.

People who talk and all you can think to yourself is that they're acting this way on purpose i.e. to come across as 'cool' or 'funny' or 'hyper' or 'badass' etc

Sheep mentality and behaviour.. along the lines of fashion, fads, trends and general thinking without questioning.

Converse sneakers and apparel: really, what is the big f'in deal?

Football teams that knock around the ball in their own half when they're ahead and it's the 85th minute

Football teams who lack any sense of style and flair i.e. most english teams (except liverpool, who don't even have that much anyway)

Basketball sneakers

Pseudo hip-hop culture

Having someone/people push me to do something that I pretty much don't want to do (and I mean this in a social sense, not in any really important way such as education or making something of myself)

Much of the local rock community and related persons

Tribute bands

'emo' music and culture

Kanye West

People who try to oppose their ideals and thinking on everyone else

the Catholic church

any horror made after 1998

the French football team (though they're one of my favourites)

the Portugese football team (likewise)

my procrastination

my procrastination (yes, I meant to repeat myself)

when i run out of clean clothes/blank cds/ juice/ snacks

the period after checking facebook and islandnoise when nothing new happens and I then have nothing to do with my pc time (which is any time I am home really)

getting psyched up to see a movie and then it being total shit

most, if not all, of recent rap music

people who are uneducated on whatever topic who have no reason to be so

people who don't even know there's a rift between the TTFA and our national football team.

the TTFA.

and because this is getting so long I'll finish up with one of the most annoying things to me..

people who mis-use 'you're' and 'your'

p.s. your all.. shit, i'll finish this later; gonna go listen to that new Kanye West tribute band.

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