Friday, September 14, 2007

I have arrived. Hide your girl children.

I swore, perhaps two years ago, that I'd never do this. By 'this' I mean blog. Yet facebook notes have had a habit of reminding me, and others apparently, that I enjoy writing my thoughts. I've since come to the conclusion that, as I am bombarded by thoughts on a daily basis I might as well get them out somehow. Perhaps someone I don't know can take one of my thoughts, pass it off as their own and become famous. (Yes, my thoughts are that great) I'm not sure I have the stomach for fame. Ha, I jest! - I'm built for fame. Getting sidetracked though - blogging. Swore I'd never do it. This should teach me a lesson about swearing. Or at least about never saying never. Which I never do. fuck. So yes, here I am, my first blog well underway. Apparently blogs generally have a niche theme - politics, religion, intellectual hullabaloo and the like. My theme shall be.. my life.
I'm of the firm opinion that so many 'funny' things happen to me for a reason. Until now I've never quite understood the reason. Now I do - I must blog. I wish I could say I had a dream in which Ghandi came to me, holding the arc of the covenant and accompanied by a goat bearing a striking resemblance to Moses and said 'go forth and blog your thoughts and daily happenings and it shall bring entertainment to the masses' (which of course would be said in Hindi and I'd have a translator at my side because not even in my dreams will I ever understand Hindi). But I can't.

I am instead operating under the assumption that someone/s out there must have the same sense of humour as I do and will find my life events as funny as I do. Even if no one reads my blog (which, if I were a gambling man I'd put some money on) at least I'd have the outlet to look at my thoughts at particular points in time. Should be interesting to at least me. But then, why does anyone blog? I doubt I've come up with any novel reasons for it anyway but at least I can now remember, how many days/months/years/millennia down the road, why I chose to go back on my oath.

thus I take my first steps into blogging domain. Wha yuh go do?


Motherland said...

Witty take on the art of blogging, footie. Next time you put the Old Testament and Ghandi together, it might be an idea to stay off the acid.

footie said...

I'll stay off the acid when it stays off me. I swear it's like a bad ex-gf. (one of those clingy, dependent, always trying to get back together types)

except the sex is better with acid.

Anonymous said...

good luck sweetie..i will check every so often...i enjoy ur writing

footie said...

thank you, I enjoy your enjoyment of my writing :P almost as much as I enjoy the writing itself

Angie said...

lol...funny 1st post. even funnier, u talk about using the word 'never' and ur 'profile say u never use scarsam'
i've been watin on a new post, but gave up and started reading ur old ones
(u hav fans...yuh reach boi!)