Friday, September 28, 2007

Kanye West rant

who the fuck does he think he is really? the saviour of hip-hop? oh no, wait wait, maybe he thinks he's some sort of prodigy. whatever it is, he's so fucking full of himself. That whiny little self-pitying bitch. Come on Kanye, go pat yourself on the back cus you outsold 50 Cent. I guess it just goes to show how many uneven coffee tables there are in the United States.

piece of 'Stronger' that pisses me off:

I ask, cause I'm not sure
Do anybody make real shit anymore?
Bow in the presence of greatness
Cause right now thou has forsaken us
You should be honored by my lateness
That I would even show up to this fake shit
So go ahead go nuts go ape shit'

I can't believe this man has the audacity to sing about people not making 'real shit' anymore when the very track he's rapping on ISN'T HIS OWN! what? are we supposed to forget it's Daft Punk that's making the song good? are we supposed to hear the mind-numbingly crappy lyrics you try to throw at us and somehow think 'wow.. this is good stuff! please say more.' ?!

I will bow in the presence of greatness. Now if you'd just point me in the direction of said greatness I'll get to bowing. Great big piles of shit being passed off as rap lyrics don't count btw.

YOU should be honoured, Kanye, that I'm letting you affect me this much. I guess I really don't have tolerance for ignorant, shitty artists with no ounce of real talent. Maybe if you had your jaw wired tighter you'd sound half as retarded as your lyrics are.

The only fake shit here is your popularity. How did you really outsell 50Cent? ok that's a dumb question, those white, racist 9 yr old country singer girls could outsell 50Cent.. hell, a 60yr old jewish woman, half-paralyzed from excessive strokes' recorded mumblings about diapers and bedpans could outsell 50Cent. The real question is how many times did he have to say 'I'll suck yo cock man' to get people to buy his album. You don't need physical therapy on that jaw anymore you attention seeking pussy.

"Act like you can't tell who made this". no Kanye, it's extremely evident who made this. I can't remember the last time I heard such a supposedly well-played rapper write such shitty lyrics. Oh wait, yes I can *50 Cent plays in background.. of a passing car and obviously not on my PC*

'excuse me, is you saying something?' - yes I am, the truth. Kanye West might as well live in a pineapple under the sea, cus he's a fucking sponge. Go use someone else's music to make yourself popular you ass.

maybe if you weren't a college dropout you'd have the intelligence of.. say a 10 yr old. I have no doubt this would raise your lyrical skill to a much higher level. That of epileptic tourettes patients yelling about what they see going on outside their hospital windows.

*sigh* I miss Biggie.


Saeed said...

I prefer Tupac... its time I get back into some old school rap you know.

but hey kanye aight... he maybe a sore loser but the dude has some catchy (borrowed) music...

biggie was produced by diddy formally known as p diddy formally known as puff daddy, and we all know he samples like nobody's business.

Kessc said...

Well I get where fottie is coming from, Kanye is really out if control at this point. I'm a fan of his 1st album but, he was still quite humble then. Arrogance, loud beats and poor lyrical content is killing Hip hop. Nas is right it is dead. Biggie didn't need a beat 80% of the time.

I miss the great one as well. :(